VCKC Booking Page

All you need to know about booking VCKC Watercraft

When not scheduled for club events, VCKC canoes, kayaks, SUPs, and OC1s are available to qualified VCKC members for personal use on the Upper Gorge Waterway and Portage Inlet, and for participation in club sanctioned day trips.

YOU MUST BE A VCKC MEMBER TO BORROW CLUB EQUIPMENT. If you are an individual or family, please join VCKC first, then read on about qualifications. If you are a school or other organization and think your group may have a continuing interest in paddling, you may be interested in becoming an Associate Member. Please contact our Membership director ( to discuss this.

YOU MUST BE QUALIFIED TO BORROW CLUB EQUIPMENT. For canoe and kayak, you should have passed at least a recognized basic skills course. For any paddling program, you may have to demonstrate that you have an acceptable level of competence and experience - in which case we will refer you to the appropriate program director who may invite you to sign up for a course or recreational paddle, or may invite you out for a paddle, before authorizing you to borrow boats.

VCKC IS AN ALL-VOLUNTEER CLUB. There is no customer service agent employed to look after you, or the reservation system, or the equiment. Response times may not be quick. Please do not expect same day service on your first visit.

Please read and follow these guidelines:

  • Always wear a PFD while paddling!
  • Remember to dress for the weather and be prepared for an unexpected capsize with a change of clothes (in a dry bag, or at the club house, or in your vehicle)
  • Do not paddle into Colquitz Creek or Craigflower Creek or pass under the Gorge (Tillicum) Bridge towards the inner harbour.
  • When you have finished paddling, clean the club equipment and return .
  • If any canoe or gear needs repair, please email  You will not be asked to pay for the repairs if you were paddling responsibly – accidents happen.

Happy paddling!

If this is your first time making a reservation, or
if you want to discuss your booking needs, or
if you want access for self-booking, then please click here:

Email Booking Coordinator

If you have been approved for self-booking, then this button is for you (go direct to

VCKC Booking Page

Here's more information about how we determine whether a member may use Club watercraft.

Orientation: For all programs, self-booking requires that a member has participated in an orientation session to become familiar with:

  • the clubhouse and compound,
  • the dock and the launch area, 
  • the location and handling of the canoes, kayaks and other paddlecraft,
  • the location and use of PFDs, paddles, painters, bailers, throw-ropes, saddles, and other equipment
  • safety practices when setting out and cleanup and on return

Canoe and Kayak: a Paddle Canada or RCABC basic canoe or kayak skills course is usually sufficient. If you did not take the course with VCKC, then please send us a photo of the certification. Otherwise, please get in touch with the Canoe or Kayak program director (, to discuss your qualifications and experience and have them let us know that you are approved for booking.

Outriggers (OC1, OC2, Hurricane, Solstice): Please contact the Marathon & Small Boats director ( for approval for the yellow OC1s, or for training and approval for the other outriggers.

SUP: We have no stand-up paddle boards in the system yet. Please get in touch with the SUP director ( to arrange taking out a SUP.

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