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Big Canoe Gulf Island Brigade 2025

  • 26 Jul 2025
  • 8:00 AM
  • 01 Aug 2025
  • 6:00 PM
  • VCKC


  • There is a lottery on March 5th, 2025 to randomly select people for the brigade. There is no charge for registration here until you have been selected. After selection there is a non-refundable deposit of $100 to secure your spot. You will be asked for a further $250 in June for a total cost of $350. You will be assigned a canoe later. Friends and family cannot be guaranteed to be in the same canoe. Many considerations come into play in loading a canoe.
  • This is for non VCKC members hoping to register a canoe for the brigade. There will be a lottery for admission to the brigade on March 5th, 2025. There is no charge for registration until you have been selected. After selection the captain must pay a $200 non-refundable deposit to secure their spot. A further $2200 will be required by June. Total cost is $2400. Although you are guaranteed spots for your additional 5 crew members you do not have to provide the names yet. The captain will be responsible for submitting all payments. All communication will be via the registrar and the captain.

    A list of spare paddlers is being generated if you need extra crew for your canoe. Discuss this with the registrar.
  • I wish to paddle in the Brigade. If you are looking for crew members for your canoe, I can help out.

    By signing onto this list.I agree my contact information can be shared with those Captains looking for additional crew.

Registration is closed

Gulf Island Big Canoe Brigade Saturday 26 July 2025 - Friday August 1 2025

Registration will be open March 1st, 2025- March 4th, 2025

A random LOTTERY for admission to the brigade will be held March 5th, 2025.

1. VCKC members will sign up as individuals and be assigned to canoes later. Use option 1 during registration. This stream will go to a lottery on March 5th, 2025. Two spares will also be pulled. No money will be charged until you have been selected. There will be a maximum of 6 crew in canoe. 

2. Guest canoes will register using option 2. This stream will go to a lottery on March 5th, 2025. Two spare captains will also be pulled. No money will be charged until you have been selected. Once a captain is selected they are guaranteed space for their 5 remaining crew. Cost- $2400 per  canoe with a non-refundable deposit of $200.00 after selection. The remainder will be due in June. Maximum of 6 crew in each canoe.

3. Individuals hoping to join a crew may sign up using option 3. This is a no cost option until you join a crew. There is no lottery for this stream. It will remain open after March 1st, 2025.

The current route is

Saturday July 26th- Newcastle Island, near Nanaimo.

Canoes and crews will need to be at Brechin Ramp, Nanaimo by 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th, 2025. This ramp is close to the Departure Bay ferry terminal. Drivers will take empty vehicles and trailers to a designated parking area in Victoria about 90 minutes away. Transportation back to Nanaimo and Newcastle Island  will be arranged by the brigade. While the vehicle shuttle is underway, the canoes and gear will be paddled the short distance  to Newcastle Island where camp will be set up.  Dinner is provided by the brigade

Sunday July 27th-  Telegraph Cove, Thetis Island

Monday July 28th- Osborne Bay Resort, Crofton, Vancouver Island

Tuesday July 29th- Montague Harbour, Galliano Island

Wednesday July 30th- Port Browning Marine Resort, North Pender Island

Thursday July 31st- Island View Beach, Vancouver Island

Friday August 1st- Victoria Canoe and Kayak Club, Victoria. The brigade will provide a dinner. Transportation will be provided to take drivers back to their vehicles and trailers. 

Required for Participants

Canadian Brigade Voyageur Society Membership number which is  $21.04 for a regular membership. Please make sure to specify Gulf Island Brigade 


Required Gear for Canoes

Large (20 liter/5 gallon) bailer, 2 small bailers, all with tie cords

2 x 25' painters

a righting line

a rescue throw bag preferably 3/8" or 1 cm diameter

1 paddle/person plus 2 spares

PFD safety marine certified, must be worn, Vaikobi NOT allowed

sounding whistle

canoes over 18' need a watertight flashlight and flares (VCKC will carry flares)

Maps and Charts

The brigade will provide maps adequate for knowing where you are. If you want to have official charts, Canadian Hydrographic Service Charts 3341, 3342, 3343 cover all the journey except part of the last day. A more expensive spiral bound set of charts 3313 is also available for the Gulf Islands.


Each team will need to carry food for 6 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 5 dinners plus cooking equipment. Water and electricity will not always be available. You will need to carry enough water for 2 days =3 litres/paddler/day = 36 litres. 

Some of the camping areas will have access to a restaurant for dinner if you want a break from cooking. (at your own cost)

Brigade Meals- first and last dinner

A variety of food will be served but we cannot accommodate individual dietary needs. If you wish to invite guests beyond the 6 team members there will be an additional fee. Number of guests will be limited. Please discuss with brigade registration 2 weeks before the start of the Brigade.

Leave No Trace


Have garbage bags for camp sites where we must carry our own garbage out. Where cache lock boxes are provided by campsites you will need to put all food and garbage inside them.


Recommend bringing power banks, not all sites have electricity.

Recommend extension cord with multiple outlets as places with electricity will have limited outlets.

All equipment and gear should be in waterproof containers ie dry bags, barrels or large hiking backpacks double lined with garbage bags. It is also recommended that large containers be used to hold multiple small items; not all campsites are immediately beside the beach.

Bring VHF radios if you have them and know how to operate them.

Captains will receive packages with more complete details.

***Cellular service will mostly be available. It is highly recommended that all participants fill out the emergency medical information screen on their cell phones. Helpful in emergencies and also in returning misplaced cell phones to you.***

iPhone  https://support.apple.com/en-us/105072#:~:text=Medical%20ID%20helps%20first%20responders,in%20case%20of%20an%20emergency.

Android https://support.google.com/android/answer/9319337?hl=en#zippy=,use-the-personal-safety-app#zippy=,use-the-personal-safety-app

Canoe Rentals

Contact Ellie James 250-885-8030 or elliej6172@gmail.com if you are looking for information on where you can rent canoes or trailers.

Joe Boyd, Big Canoe Director, bigcanoe@vckc.ca

Linda Allison, registrar, Linda.canoe@icloud.com

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